Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rules of Cycling with the Guys

Started biking with a group in Sellwood and there was a fun post on the email list about the Rules.

Here they are!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bike Ride for March 19th

I went out with the Rapha charity ride for a bit and found NW Newberry Road off of Highway 30. It was a bear, but ended up with a nice long trip on NW Skyline. Here's the map link.

Amazing to think about what mother nature can do.

Map link was too large, so here's the google map I created.,+Portland,+OR+97217&daddr=45.56991,-122.67684+to:45.6155027,-122.8148647+to:NW+Skyline+and+Northwest+Germantown+Road,+Portland,+OR+to:NW+SKyline+and+Fairview,+portland+to:SW+Salmon+St+to:45.5166518,-122.6781131+to:W+4th+%26+Burnside+to:45.52286,-122.65159+to:45.52215,-122.63929+to:45.52498,-122.620811+to:45.53512,-122.62128+to:ne+42nd+%26+Sandy+blvd+to:600+se+morrison,+portland,+or+to:913+SE+Lexington+St,+Portland,+OR+97202&geocode=FRoktwIdDyCw-CkbQzAkE6eVVDF3USLPwRDYCw%3BFXZXtwIdmBmw-ClrycMiCKeVVDG1j3okJkF2Yg%3BFY4JuAIdcP6t-CnVrz9JdAeVVDEvpfT1KkSH2Q%3BFX6KtwIdpzqu-Cm7d-e02geVVDFXXww05SbEBg%3BFdGAtgIdlFSv-Ck_OrAJgQmVVDHq7tIOi62nnw%3BFTCRtgIdUvCv-A%3BFWuHtgIdnxSw-Cl9ABb2DwqVVDFqj6kmtkOwzw%3BFVmgtgIdMSOw-Cn1tWDVBgqVVDEcVbiojAgNTA%3BFayftgIdOnyw-ClZDw7WpKCVVDF40tOOi8NyEg%3BFeactgIdRqyw-Cl9Nz-YvqCVVDFDwOTXU_14MA%3BFfSntgIddfSw-CkXcbiIwqCVVDFPbkluyNlr8Q%3BFZDPtgIdoPKw-ClnytNX16CVVDFOUTT4d0bNaA%3BFXnTtgId-Pew-ClZaw1v16CVVDHAlAi_Lyrxqw%3BFZaJtgIdd1yw-Ck1FCnMoKCVVDEmkxYHM4-bWA%3BFUTGtQId-2iw-Cmz01jz3AqVVDHA3O7mEVCd7Q&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1,2,6,8,9,10,11&dirflg=b&sll=45.462298,-122.670937&sspn=0.133884,0.308647&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=11&lci=bike

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake off of Japanese Coast

My thoughts are tied to people of Japan who are dealing with the aftermath of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake. Apparently, all of the trains throughout the country were shut down so people ended up walking home as opposed to taking their normal subway or commuter train home. One friend's family member in Tokyo had a 12 hour trip to get home last night and the night time temperatures were below 40 degrees, so not the best time of year to have to walk home.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sellwood Cycling Club Group Ride - March 6th, 2011

Here's the ride tracking for the ride today. Nice work everybody!

Oregon is no Wisconsin

As a public employee now, I am finding the debates on public employee benefits are hitting close to home. Yet, as someone new to the ranks, I don't have this huge expectation, somewhat like Social Security. I will be interested to see how my views on this change as I continue on in my career and my stay with the City or government for that matter increases. Having experience in the private sector has taught me a lot of things and it's a good perspective to have.