Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK Jr. Day of Service - Canvassing to Support Schools

I don't often go all political on things, but I couldn't resist on this one. There's a ballot measure in Oregon that's attempting to raise funds for schools and other services in this difficult time for our country. The measure seems to be asking some to sacrifice.

Phil Knight is against this measure because of the costs to small business. He states in the Oregonian : "Forty-six years ago, when Mark Hatfield was governor, I started a small business in Oregon. In our first year, sales totaled $8,000. I am proud that it eventually became a major employer in the state. It has been my hope that other entrepreneurs would similarly pursue their dreams in Oregon. --- They won't. Measures 66 and 67 should be labeled Oregon's Assisted Suicide Law II.

Really Phil? You wouldn't have started your company because the state was asking you to pay $150 instead of $10? You wouldn't have followed your dreams for an extra 50 cents a day. Even back in 1973 when you started your business, it seems to me that it wouldn't have killed your drive to succeed. Perhaps it might have saved us from you.

Thanks for giving me the inspiration to stop buying Nike stuff. I needed one more reason to buy local and to consume less. I appreciate your encouragement for me to meet my goals.

So I hit the streets of Northeast Portland today in support of Yes on 66 & 67 with a little more bounce in my step, a little more dedication, and a little more purpose. I just did it. I could of passed on that last house, but I talked to a guy that seemed to be on the fence on the issue and hopefully I turned him to a Yes. Thanks Phil!

1 comment:

Calamityville said...

I'm trying to imagine an Oregon without Phil Knight and it's making me smile.

Phil prefers the glory of giving his money publicly.

The children of the state deserve a public education as good as the one he received.

Using the calculator below; the value of $10 in 1931, when the current $10 dollar Corporate Minimum Tax was adopted, is worth $144 in 2008 using only the CPI - curiously close to the proposed $150 Corporate Minimum Tax. By many of the other measures it calculates it's worth much more than that now.

The lattes are on you next time.