Monday, January 5, 2009

Nana and Papa's 40th Anniversary Party

We headed out to Estacada to celebrate Nana and Papa's 40th Anniversary! It was a special occasion because all of the Kishpaugh Kids were helping out with the party. While we were dealing with passing of Parker, Marcy was an amazing help organizing all of the food and most of the logistics that had to happen to get everything ready. She even took the kids with her as Susan was at the vet.

The visit to Estacada wasn't all about the party, the kids got a chance to play in the snow with Grace, Matthew, Scott, and Todd. The sledding on the back hill was pretty good becuase there was about six inches of snow and it was really nice weather during the day. The party was at 5 PM, so there was a lot of time to play with all of the cousins and enjoy the day. Susan and Marcy were busy cooking soup and stew for the 50 people that had sent an RSVP. A total of 70 showed up and it was a good thing that Susan planned for that many.
We spent a log of time getting the Dodge Community Church ready for the guests and borrowed a lot of things from friends and family to have the party all come together.
It was also nice to have Robert and Grandma Baker in attendance from Alaska.
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